What is SSBA?
Stonington Small Boat Association provides small boat storage for non-motorized, sea-worthy vessels less than 20 feet and under 300 lbs. We support safe, active, sailing, boating and kayaking.
How do I apply?
The application will be available on this website on April 1-30 each year. Please click on the ‘Application’ on the home page and print it. Fill it out completely and snail mail it back to SSBA. Please enclose your full payment. Please remember that ALL applications must be received no later than April 30th.
How can I receive SSBA email notifications?
Fill out the Contact Us form to have your email added the general email list.
I want to join, how do I start?
It is advised that you visit the boat storage area adjacent to the town dock in Stonington Borough. Here you can see the layout of what is available and better understand the options available to you. Next, fill out the application form and return it to SSBA. Should a space be come available, we will contact you using the details from you application form. Its vital that telephone numbers and email addressees are clear and accurate.
As a member how can I contribute?
There are a number of work parties that are announced throughout the year. You are encouraged to attend. Many other tasks are also fulfilled by the membership. Please volunteer as and when these are announced.
Who can apply for space at SSBA?
Open to Stonington residents, vacant spots will be assigned to people able to demonstrate their ability to actively use the storage facilities on a frequent basis. As a member you will be required to abide by the rules of SSBA and maintain your vessel in a safe and seaworthy manner. It is recommended that you attend the work parties.
What is Wednesday Night Racing?
Each summer, a series of sailboat for boats less than 20 ft. is held in Stonington Harbor. This race series is not affiliated with SSBA in any way, however many members of SSBA do sail in the series and each endeavor supports the other. Report to the committee boat by 5:45pm for a 6:00pm first gun, and they will tell you which start you qualify for. Typically there are 6 starts. It is a fun way to meet new sailors! Check out their website https://www.sdcwednightrace.com/
What happens to abandoned boats?
Registered owners will be contacted via email and requested to move their property. Many attempts will be made to contact the owners of record. Abandoned boats, masts, booms, rudders, paddles, etc. will be removed to make way for new members.
How can I keep my membership and storage space?
Be active and maintain your vessel to a high standard. Attend the annual meeting and participate in the work parties. Should your boat fall into disrepair through neglect and lack of use, you will be asked to vacate your assigned storage space.
How do you prioritize new applications?
Distribution of vacant storage spaces will be shared in an equitable manor. Its unrealistic that a new member should expect to secure more than 1 space immediately, but its entirely possible that an existing family could apply for additional space.
Can I use SSBA storage so my children have access to the water?
This is to be encouraged, but please bear in mind the actual number of times your boat is used. In early summer it is easy to over estimate the time you will spend on the water, only to find in late August that you have used your boat a handful of times. That is not what SSBA would call “active boating”
Do spaces open up in the summer months?
It is possible, but can not be relied upon.
Can I store my boat on a road legal trailer?
In a word, no. Dollies are the only means of moving and storing boats.
Can I apply for a specific location at SSBA?
You can request to have a low, mid or upper level storage location for both the Kayak and Dingy racks. Each year, we see varying demand for Ground Storage, Dingy Rack storage and Kayak storage. Circumstances may dictate that your location will vary from year to year.